Hey there! 👋

I'm Sam Liu

I build things. Welcome to my corner on the internet!

Hey! I'm Sam, a high-school student in Ontario, Canada who is still figuring out what to do with the journey ahead. I taught myself how to code by building projects. Robots, apps, games, the learning never ends.

When I'm not busy with school work, you can find me tinkering with tech and exploring new hobbies. Most of what I know comes from messing about with tech. 3D printing & machining, graphic & UI design, the web, electronics & hardware, robotics, and ML, to list a few. This website exists because I wanted to document my journey.

You may know me as a First Robotics kid, a Hack Clubber, a friend, or that random person at school. I may seem awkward at first, but I'm always down to chat about stuff. So if we haven't met yet, say hi!

Welcome to this quiet corner amidst the chaotic world we're in where I share my thoughts and creations. Bear in mind that this website is still a work in progress, but feel free to look around!